Boat sailing in the night

The Load Screen

At "The Load Screen," our mission is to create a vibrant gaming community where the love for video games thrives. We're not your typical gaming platform; we're a passionate duo of lifelong gamers committed to sharing our gaming experiences and knowledge with fellow enthusiasts.

Our purpose is straightforward: to empower you with the information and insights essential for enhancing your gaming journey. Whether you're seeking game reviews, gameplay videos, or product recommendations for Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation 5, PC, or Nintendo Switch, we're your go-to trusted source. We firmly believe in the unifying power of gaming, bringing people together and offering an immersive escape into the virtual worlds we hold dear.

We may be passionate gamers, but we're not infallible. Occasional mistakes happen, and that's where you come in. Do you have questions, comments, or itching to collaborate? We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to shoot us an email anytime.

Games should be diverse and inclusive for all.
— The Load Screen Team

meet the Load screen team


