Terms of service

Effective Date: September 10, 2022

Updated: September 10, 2021


The Load Screen welcomes you!

These Terms of Service cover your use and access of The Load Screen website and any associated pages of www.theloadscreen.com provided by Mad Cougar Productions, LLC.

Please carefully read this Agreement because it contains important information about your legal rights, limitations of liability, and the resolution of disputes by arbitration. If you are visiting our website from the EU, some of these provisions may not apply to you and you may be entitled to specific rights under the mandatory laws of the country in which you live.

Headings used in this Terms of Service are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect the terms in this Terms of Service.

By accessing this website or any of its pages, you are agreeing to the following Terms set within this Terms of Service:

1. general Conditions

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or exploit any portions of theloadscreen.com, any associated pages of the website, your use of this website, or access to this website. You agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or exploit any contact on this website without express written permission from us. You agree to not use a bot or any other technology to reproduce, copy, duplicate, sell, or exploit any contact on the website or any part of theloadscreen.com. All content is protected by applicable copyright laws that you agree to comply with such laws.

2. Disclaimer

All content that appears on this website has been edited for accuracy by using direct sources of information like game publishers, press releases, and other information that is verifiable. Wherever necessary, factual data will be attributed to its direct source. Most of the content on this website is for entertainment and information purposes only unless the material is clearly marked otherwise.

Use of any information and opinions obtained from www.theloadsreen.com is at your own risk. This website, its owners, affiliates, business partners, service providers, and contributing authors cannot be held responsible for any changes in timing or content that may arise from game publishers updating any underlying pertinent information that may affect the accuracy of the information displayed on this site. Whenever possible, this website will update stories and web pages with the current information.

Although this website refers to Squarespace, the author and this website are not in any way affiliated with Squarespace Inc.

3. Third Party Links

This website occasionally uses third party links to other websites that are not under control of www.theloadscreen.com or Mad Cougar Productions, LLC. This website and Mad Cougar Productions, LLC, accept no liability over the content and use of personal data found on these linked sites. Some of those third-party links are for affiliates, any time there are links on this website to affiliates they will be clearly marked as such. If any linked material is found to be improper it will be removed or replaced, for instance if a link directs to the wrong page, it will be replaced with the proper linked page.

As an Amazon Associate and in connection with Epic Game’s Support-A-Creator Program, Mad Cougar Productions may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through third party links and certain in-game purchases from Epic Games.

4. Copyright

Any information provided on this website is protected under a copyright held by Mad Cougar Productions, LLC. You may refer to this content and link to it from other online resources, but you may not reproduce or modify it, either in whole or in part, without the permission of Mad Cougar Productions, LLC. Generally, permission will be granted to reproduce information on the site for personal and non-commercial use, provided that the original source is indicated clearly, and the copyright is also clearly indicated.

5. Unsolicited Ideas

You agree not to send unsolicited offers, subscriptions, content, or any other ideas to The Load Screen website, Mad Cougar Productions, LLC, and any contact mentioned within any Service provided by The Load Screen website and Mad Cougar Productions, LLC.  

6. International Use

Mad Cougar Productions, LLC, makes no claim that any Service, Material, or Content is appropriate or may be downloaded outside of the United States of America, where the Service, Material, and Content was created. If you access any Service, Material, or Content outside of the United States, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with all laws in your country where you access our website. This includes complying with any local laws or regional laws about user conduct on the internet, acceptable content, and downloading or transmitting data and other material from the United States and the country in which you access our website.

7. Termination of Service

Mad Cougar Productions, LLC, reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of Services provided at The Load Screen website at any time for any reason without prior notice and liability. If you would like to end your use of our Service, discontinue use of our website and clear your browser’s cookies for our website. See Section 7 of our Privacy Policy to find out more about changing your consent options.

8. Changes to this terms of service

www.theloadscreen.com and Mad Cougar Production, LLC, reserve the right to update, change, or modify all or any part of this Terms of Service for any reason at any time. The Load Screen website will notify its users when there has been an update to the Terms of Service. It is always a good idea to check our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for updates if it has been a while since you have visited our website.

9. Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Terms of Service, please email theloadscreendotcom@gmail.com with the heading “Terms of Service Question”.