Cyberpunk 2077 Returns to PlayStation

Goro Takemura and Hanako Arasaka looking sullen near a table with teacup and pot lit by candlelight

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The only title to make its dramatic entrance and then get pulled weeks later makes its homecoming. Cyberpunk 2077 is that game, and it has returned to the PlayStation store after more than six months of work by CD Projekt Red. The new release will still have issues, but this leads closer to further development on the overall title. The Load Screen covers the reappearance and what that means for Cyberpunk 2077 players on all systems, including PC and Xbox.

The road for Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation was rough so far. On December 18th, 2020, the developer announced that the game was no longer available on PlayStation Store in this CD Projekt Red PlayStation users update. The conclusion came after direct discussions with the console maker since the product had significant issues that made the title unplayable. In a prior CD Projekt Red important update, the developer listed the problems that eventually caused the removal from the store along with a refund policy for multiple systems. The issues were deep and game-breaking.

While store removal and refunds are never good for any product, the Polish developers pledged to create an enjoyable playing experience for all users in their Cyberpunk 2077 commitment to quality article. They prioritized fixes and updates to the title over everything else, but unlike other companies, they did it all without overtime. Though the ability for game creators to have a stress-free environment is optimal, it meant waiting for the title’s return.

That delay ended up being slightly over six months and had a small Cyberpunk 2077 is back on PlayStation Store article making only a quiet revelation about the comeback of this futuristic dystopian FPS. The PlayStation Store Cyberpunk 2077 page shows the actual proof of the title’s resurrection, although it still indicates the game’s initial release date at the top but date of return at the bottom. It also notes that this is just the PS4 version enhanced for the PS4 Pro. Unfortunately, none of the articles give an exact date for the PS5 version’s debut.

This news may affect PlayStation console owners, but the information is beneficial for PC and Xbox players. The developers focused on overall issues before adding to the entire game, and they resolved the most significant problems on PlayStation 4. Which means they can get back to the free Next-Gen upgrades and more. In the Cyberpunk 2077 commitment to quality article, CD Projekt Red laid out a hefty roadmap for Cyberpunk 2077, which included a free DLC after patch 1.2 and further improvements. Since Patch 1.2 was published back in March, this leaves the players right near that DLC.

So now CD Projekt Red confidently restores Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation, and Sony has enabled the sales page for it. While the PS5 optimized version is not complete, the developer can now implement those changes according to their commitment. Of course, some clamor for the next-gen optimized versions; however, The Load Screen team is looking forward to what is in store for Night City in that free DLC.

Kali Daniels

The Load Screen’s senior contributor has played enough horror games to survive and thrive in any zombie apocalypse.


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